Found these bad boys on Jak and Jil. There by Nicholas Kirkwood for Belstaff. Size nine please? Also Kirkwood is probably the closest name I've ever heard thats similar to my dad's name...Curwood. Whilst pregnant Grandma Ateah was reading a book and the author's last name was Curwood and she liked the name so much she named my dad that. Now there's a feather for your cap!
good title alex, very witty. great story, too!
thanks megs! unfortunately i did not come up with it myself. there's a shoe store in Toronto called heel boy which i thought was oh so clever.
I was just doin' some creeping on lookbook and found some familiar faces from Winnipeg...so hyped! I just applied so if that doesn't go so well I may be needing an invitation...
alex! oh the blogworld. if you manage to get your hands on a pair of these shoes, i may just have to put them on and take pictures in them because i really really love them too.
i love that you saw my favfav band. at least a few friends got the pleasure waaah!!!
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