In the past year or so I've developed a major thing for Tilda Swinton. I love her look and style. She hardly ever has a smudge of makeup on, except for the odd bright lip, and I think she's a true beauty. She's also almost 50 and has the most beautiful fare complexion and not a blemish or wrinkle in sight. I really can't say I've seen to many of her movies, except for The Beach, but I'm a huge fan of her. Heres some of my favorite photos of her. Enjoy!
I was reading Childhood Flame's recent post about her love for floppy hats and was reminded about a photo shoot I did. A couple winter's ago in good ol' Winnipeg my friend Kevin and I did a photo shoot around Winnipeg for a portfolio I was doing. I was wearing this big, lovely floppy hat that I loved. Unfortunately this summer I drunkinly left the hat on a bench whilst on the way to the Birchwood at Victoria Beach. Anyways here are a few photos from the photo shoot. My good pal Kevin Penner took these photos.
Found these bad boys on Jak and Jil. There by Nicholas Kirkwood for Belstaff. Size nine please? Also Kirkwood is probably the closest name I've ever heard thats similar to my dad's name...Curwood. Whilst pregnant Grandma Ateah was reading a book and the author's last name was Curwood and she liked the name so much she named my dad that. Now there's a feather for your cap!
Yes I know this is old news but a couple weeks ago the lovely Lana Belton, one half of team Tjejsajten, came with her beau for a weekend getaway to Toronto, Ontario. Here are some photos from that lovely weekend.
I hadn't listened to Patrick Wolf in a while and he came up on my pod today. I forgot how much I like him. If you've never listened to him download a bunch and have a listen. My fav song is definatly child catcher. It's creepy but has a wicked beat. I also really liked this ad Patrick did for Burberry in 2007. Take a look. Also notice Agnes's hair. It's looks particularly beauty and makes me want to do a little chop chop of my own. I'm also headin' to Hercules and Love Affair this Saturday at the Opera house. I'm going with Jason and a few fellow Winnipegers and I'm pretty excited. If you havn't listened to them before take a quick peep here and have a listen. Theres a lot of greatness on this page but make sure to listen to Hercules' Theme.
Last year a did a wee photo shoot with Brittnay Hildebrandt. It was for a fashion portfolio and it was a good time...actually a great time. I made that dress and I have to say that was the only time I've worn it but I hope to get some wear out of it this fall/winter. Perhaps it needs a shortening? Although I do love the long train and the hanging Grecian bit in the front so I'm not sure if I could go through with cutting her. Looking back at these photos I remember how freezing cold out it was when we took them. I think it was around Febuary in Winnipeg, Manitoba and one of these really cold, windy days with a beautiful sunshine which some how makes it colder. Anyways thank you again Britney for the shoot and I still wish the 1930's bathing beauty shoot could have happened this summer.
Oh yeah Jason is coming tomorrow at ten seventeen in the pm. Can't hardly wait.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today is my boyfriend's, and one of my best buds, birthday. Happy birthday sweetheart. Wish I could be with you today. Thankfully jason is making a trip to toronto next week so we can celebrate then whilst getting buck at Hercules and the love affair. Check out jasons music. I dig Jasons tunage and I think you will to. This picture is pre Jason and I really even knowing each other. I love though how he's surrounded by my buds and I including, mt, kirsty, katie, and madi.
Currently sitting in my room freezing my buns off before I head to bed. Thinking of being at vb on clubhouse with great friends, bathing beauties, blue skies, and a night full of drunken debauchery to look forward to is keeping me warm.
Well were in our new place yet but theres still quite a bit of work to get done. We don't have a kitchen yet and well...I feel like I'm camping. Oh well I suppose it's all in the fun of living alone. I'm also still waiting on a couple rolling racks which is turning into quite a problem. On the plus side we have a pear tree in our backyard and the pears are daaaaaammmn good. Just in the limo going to a photoshoot. My assistant took this photo. Nah, maybe not. Just moving day and some new shades from urban...and I took the photo. Oh yeah Pollard's arrived..! I was in a second hand store a few weeks ago and came across this mannequin. The guy working said he didn't know if it was for sale or not but the manager was out and I could buy it...quickly. I was on the mannequin like white on rice and then out the door in a moments time.