Sunday, September 21, 2008

Not setting a very good example now are we.

I'm currently watching SNL and I was informed that Dov Charney (founder of American Apparel) has just been sued, for the fifth time, for sexual harrasment. Surprise surprise. Anyways I thought I would do a little ode to good ol' Dov and post a few provacative American Apparel adds. However I do apologize that I could not find the closeup of an ass which I have to say is a personal favourite of mine. Anyways enjoy.


Meghan and Lana said...

Keep working on finding that ass one.. I'd like to see that. For now I settle on the first one... Those tatas are gorg.

Meghan and Lana said...

Are you talking about the one of the hairy bum in the thong?? I loooove that one!!