On Saturday I travelled to my most loved thrift store with a miss kirsty reid. It was a lovely day filled with thrifting, laughter, and blizzards (**note new fav blizzard: chocolate chip cookie dough WITH brownie pieces,, K is a genius...). This certain store was not at it's finest however I did manage to pick up a few gems. I got a nice collared multi colored striped t, a gray pair of trousers which are a thing of beauty, a number of scarves, and an old man sweater which is also pretty GREAT (ha.. kirsty..). I saw a dude trying this old man sweater on and I knew I had to have it so I prayed a little and hoped he didn't dig it as much as I did and turned out he didn't. I think he was turned off by the mock turtle neck, which was pretty gross, but I plan on doin a bit of snip snippin. no biggie. Anyways here are some photos of the purdy scarves. They are cute.

I wanted to buy this beautiful head piece from rag pickers but it was only for rental. At least I got to spend one magical evening with her though...it was great. And she even called me the next day.
The fine ladies of Tjejsajten in full form and apparently Lana's move of the evening.

playground love.
that trip back in time was truly magical.
that XXXXXXL "jessica" SHIRT i wore was wonderful.. i'm pretty sure i slept in it that night.
lets have another masquerade party soon.. spring themed.
ps the scarves are nothing short of beautiful (its the house - of course they're beautiful.)
YAAAAY! MONSTER POST! Tjejsajten is taking over your comment-board-thingo. Agreed on the Masquerade Part II. Jealous of the House's pretty florals. Very thankful that you're at AA for me right now. And now I'll go back to studying instead of reading your blog.
AND, no MT you did not sleep in the Jessica Plus tee. You slept in your Potter PJ's.
thank you lads for your in depth comments. AND yes a spring time masquerade sounds bonerific..
over and out.
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