Yesterday I arrived back in my hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba. I was greeted by my dear mom and that magical -30 weather I grew up with. I've never lived anywhere else so this year I truly got that feeling of coming home for Christmas. I can't explain how good it felt to walk through my house. Not only was it so good to come home but also to a decorated home complete with a Christmas tree surrounded by presents and that wonderful Christmas tree scent. My dad wanted to make me a home-cooked, comfort meal so he made my favorite fried chicken, homemade fries, a delicious salad, and for desert homemade fudge by my mom. It's been lovely.
I'm also so excited, for the
most part, to see everyone. Last night I went over to Lana's for some wine, catching up, and a well needed tour of her closet. There were some newbies and some oldies but nonetheless all amazing. We then went to Cafe 22 and met some buds there. Feels good to be home.
Yesterday whilst unpacking I opened a dresser door and was excited and curious to find these two beautiful bra type cami's inside:

I immediatly rushed over to my mom and asked where they came from and if I could have them. She said she found them while going through some clothes and they used to be hers. Anyways she gave them to me and I'm a happy, happy camper.
I'm also extremely looking forward to having my roomies back home. On Friday these two gems will be joining us here in Winnipeg:

And just for kicks heres a picture of Ryan wearing Kirsty's gold necklace.

xo xo