On Friday I went to see G
lass Candy play and it was great show. This was the third time I've seem them in the last year (they def think I'm stalking them...) and once again it was a fantastic show. A band I'd never heard of
Night Jewel opened for them and they were really good. There music is kind of chill, and sway-ee with a disco, dreamy feel. Kirsty picked up the record and we've been enjoying it on the daily ever since. Oh yes and I bought a record player a few weeks ago which was very exciting. I found some gold mines at VV boutique including the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack, a Tears for Fears album, the Big Chill soundtrack and a bunch more. Music really does sound better from a record player. It feels like your more a part of it. Like your in the band even. Anyways here are some pictures from the show!

I wore this bodysuit to the show that I recently bought and not only is it one sleeved (which I love) but it also has a nice, juicy shoulder pad.

Diggin' the fringe. Aw yeeeeeeeeee.

I then got inspired and thought I should have some fun with shoulder pads and I went to town at fabric land. So when you see me on the dance floor I will be the broad with the big shoulders. Aighhht?

Ps to all the Winnipeg folks I believe Glass Candy will be passing through around mid March. So keep your eyes peeled and your disco shoes polished.
gaaaaaaadd i love yah.
Fringe-y Bodysuit??? Was it sent from heaven???
I lurve it. And you.
Yes God gave it to me himself.
tell the old bloke to send me one! and the big chill is SOOO GOODDD
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